01. A Bangladeshi evacuee bathes at an UNHCR refugee camp near the border crossing of Ras Jdir after fleeing violence in Libya March 7, 2011. Tempers were beginning to fray at the litter-strewn refugee camp, despite the steady arrival of what appeared to be adequate supplies of food and water, mainly from Tunisian charity and aid organisations. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

While the world focuses on Japan for the time being, the fight in Libya between pro and anti-Gaddafi supporters continues. Gaddafi seems to be gaining the upper-hand by using heavy military equipment against the poorly equipped rebels. Caught in the cross fire are the foreign workers trying to get out. Those with rich enough governments have been airlifted to safety. Those with the wrong passport have been fleeing to refugee camps in Tunisia, hoping to go back home as soon as possible and making the most of it.